History of The Earth Charter
In 1987 The World Commission on Environment and Development (known as “the Brundtland Commission”) launched
Our Common Future Report with a call for a “new charter” to set “new norms” to guide the transition to
sustainable development.
Following that, discussion about an Earth Charter took place in the process leading to the Earth Summit in
Rio de Janeiro in 1992, but the time for such a declaration was not right. The Rio Declaration became the
statement of the achievable consensus at that time.
In 1994, Maurice Strong (Secretary-General of the Rio Summit) and Mikhail Gorbachev, working through
organizations they each founded (Earth Council and Green Cross International respectively), launched an
initiative (with the support from the Dutch Government) to develop an Earth Charter as a civil society
initiative. The initial drafting and consultation process drew on hundreds of international documents.
An independent Earth Charter Commission was formed in 1997 to oversee the development of the text, analyze
the outcomes of a world-wide consultation process and to come to agreement on a global consensus document.
In March 1997 at the Rio+5 Forum, a first Benchmark Draft of the Earth
Charter is released as a “document in progress”. Ongoing international consultations were encouraged and
In April 1999 a Benchmark Draft II of the Earth Charter is released and international consultations
continue particularly through Earth Charter National Committees and international dialogues.
After numerous drafts and after considering the input of people from all regions of the world, the Earth
Charter Commission came to consensus on the Earth Charter in March, 2000, at a meeting held at UNESCO
headquarters in Paris. The Earth Charter was later formally launched in ceremonies at The Peace Palace in The Hague.
The Earth Charter is now increasingly recognized as a global consensus statement on the meaning of
sustainability, the challenge and vision of sustainable development, and the principles by which
sustainable development is to be achieved. It is used as a basis for peace negotiations, as a reference
document in the development of global standards and codes of ethics, as resource for governance and
legislative processes, as a community development tool, as an educational framework for sustainable
development, and in many other contexts. The Charter was also an important influence on the Plan of
Implementation for the UNESCO Decade for Education on Sustainable Development.